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I'm Elisabeth Schwarz



I'm Elisabeth Schwarz

I'm also


A Program Director

A Program Director

For over twelve years I have worked at innovative firms with clients who are leaders in technology, product, and design. I have run programs on everything from brand strategy to digital marketing, with budgets upwards of $10 million dollars. I have extensive experience managing every detail from concept to delivery, including production of web, motion graphics, video, experience design, and app development. As a leader in my field I have worked to stand up project management teams across multiple offices and developed cross functional processes to ensure teams are able to do their best work. 

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My Clients

My Clients

I work directly on multi million dollar projects with clients such as Apple, Uber, Nest, Airbnb, and Marriott. Recently I launched the new Uber brand identity which was featured in Fast Company, Adweek, Fortune, and TechCrunch.  

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The Work

The Work


I currently work design operations for Airbnb, leading major projects for our annual Winter Release.



For Apple I work across multiple teams as their strategic partner to deliver creative solutions that meet Apple’s exacting brand standards at scale.



Uber during a time of immense change they needed to signal to the world their new intentions. Under new leadership, we helped shift the company from a rideshare company to a platform for global mobility; from a Silicon Valley perspective to a global outlook; from growth-focused to people-focused. We developed a new brand, one that reflected their new values and vision for the future.

Key parts of the new brand included a bespoke typeface, designed for hyper-legibility across 13+ languages; driver-centric stories told through a supportive ‘U-frame’ composition; and a Safety Blue addition to the color palette to indicate special moments of care and connection. Considering the decentralized structure of Uber, this flexible system enabled teams in diverse markets to make it relevant to their audiences with culturally specific content. We worked to creative their new brand elements, guidance on use, and a global initiative to vet and socialize the new brand across the 660+ cities they operate in.

The new brand was launched September 2018 alongside a new mission statement and a renewed commitment to safety. Since the rebrand Uber’s brand went up 51% in value. In May 2019, it went public to be valued at more than $82 billion. For more details on the brand launch, check out Fast Company, AdWeek and Uber’s own case study website.



Working with leaders across Uber LatAm, it became clear that a focus on scaling the business was ingrained in their ways of working, but at the cost of their brand impression. Before we could start changing their daily operations, they needed to shift their way of thinking - a new mindset.

We worked across departments and with input from drivers and riders, to create a new people-first mindset focusing Uber on "creating positive energy," and designed to shift Uber's actions towards responsible, and sustainable growth. It also serves as the bridge between Uber's new global mission and cultural norms and day-to-day operations across all of LatAm.

To make the new mindset real internally, we designed a LatAm wide launch experience (connecting with thousands of employees across all 16 of their offices), as well as a set of robust tools and interactive training program.

To make the new mindset real externally, we designed a new people-first membership program, working from conception to blueprint to playbook for Uber LatAm to test it in beta.



CA technologies needed to define their company mission, galvanize their employee community base of 12,000 +, and inspire new talent to join CA. We helped CA launch a campaign and internal rallying cry. We created powerful videos, an inspiring manifesto, and collaborated on countless employee interviews. We also created presentation materials to introduce the Mission to both the executive committee and the company and publishing externally to the general public at large.



Nest needed to bring their in-store and partner rebate program to life. The trick was how to satisfy the promotional needs of the campaign while staying true to the clean, modern look that Nest is known for. We began by creating a customized system of iconography that was both eye catching and functional. The playful icons were then applied to our in-store displays, signage, tear cards and more. The program smartly cut through the retail clutter while still maintaining Nest’s desire for sleek and beautiful design. Nest enjoyed working with us so much they retained our services the following year to help them through an ambiguous year that includes growing their product portfolio and global reach.

We also worked with Nest to scale their United States marketing operations to a global scale. Working closely with their marketing leadership to define and implement their localization process and filled in any staffing needs they had as they worked to scale up their own team.



Under new leadership CA technologies needed to craft a powerful, differentiated message—and deliver that message to the right audience in powerful, differentiated ways. We set forth by creating a top-level marketing campaign that contextualizes CA’s offering within the broader market truths of the new application-driven enterprise. This included the development and production of digital and out-of-home display ads, videos, print ads, social media content, demand gen initiatives and a complete overhaul of CA’s website. CA had roughly 1,900 unique visitors to the Insights section on its website in all of August 2014. Within 12 hours of the campaign launch, that number had doubled—while page views for the entire site tripled and unique visitors increased from 535 to more than 3,800. The campaign’s demand gen content hub has garnered an 18% increase in page views and 17% increase in site visits (compared to 2014 average).



Cannabis is already an over $5 billion dollar industry, and it is projected to grow exponentially once recreational legalization is passed in California in 2016. Moreover, the face of cannabis is changing: today’s consumers tend to be affluent, informed, and culturally savvy.

A new venture group with a best-in-class cannabis product: premium cannabis oil, cleanly and responsibly extracted from their farms in Sonoma County needed a brand to introduce themselves to this new market. We worked with them to create an new market category—premium cannabis vaporizer pens—and to position their brand as leaders within it.

The result? A brand identity and imagery that both captures today’s market opportunity, and positions the company for a world where cannabis is legalized, normalized, and sought after by a more discerning consumer. It has won design awards for its packaging, including American Package Design Award from GDUSA, How International Design Award 2017 and Dieline's 10 favorite cannabis packaging designs.



We helped CA create a campaign that spotlights diverse talent. With a powerful tagline and messaging celebrates the strength of a variety of viewpoints, we went public worldwide, reaching audiences in Europe, India, Japan, and the US. With executions ranging from banner ads to billboards, our message drove to a website that welcomes technology workers from all walks of life - and demonstrates that CA sees diversity as a driving force in innovation. Their Prague office saw a 143% YOY total increase in applications and a 17.5% YOY increase in their largest development hubs Hyderabad India.



CA Technologies hosts CAWorld, their annual conference that attracts 2,500+ attendees every year. As the lead one the account I managed the development of the show’s brand identity, and the production of all the event collateral which included; 50+ video assets and 800+ print assets for three years in a row.